
Sigurd Sandmo 簡歷、本次講綱

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關於Sigurd Sandmo



Sigurd Sandmo 目前是挪威漢生病博物館館長,該館所在之城市-柏根,正是漢生醫師於1873年發現漢生病菌之地,Sigurd Sandmo1998年起負責多個館內的保存計畫與展示計畫。




Sigurd Sandmo 1996起致力於挪威漢生病相關的研究,並且對挪威漢生病的歷史有非常廣泛的興趣,特別是相關的社會議題、疾病污名化、漢生病與語言等議題。Sigurd Sandmo以挪威的宗教詩歌中的漢生病為研究題材取得碩士學位,目前正進行挪威1880-1920的漢生病論述相關的博士研究,也曾經出版數本挪威漢生病歷史的書籍。目前Sigurd Sandmo 也是柏根漢生病檔案指導委員會中漢生病博物館的館方代表,自2007年起成為IDEA的挪威代表。Sigurd Sandmo 同時也是柏根許多博物館的主要負責人,曾負責監督管理許多展覽的規劃以及小型博物館的發展營運。



3/6 13:30 主題:親屬權利

漢生病史的保存與家族聯繫網絡的建立   挪威漢生病博物館的經驗  (25 分鐘)




許多年以前,挪威人Elias Eliassen 的美國籍子孫與挪威漢生病博物館聯絡,Eliassen 曾在十九世紀於柏根某間漢生病院接受治療,現在他的家屬希望能拼湊出那段家族史中不曾被知道的故事,但是醫院的資料無法提供足夠的資訊,若能找到不同的檔案資料,由博物館來還原這一個家族史是有可能的,同時也可能藉此構成了一個強壯的家族網絡。Elias的患病的事情同時也讓家族中所發生的其他事件受到注意,並且被推測與他的家族從挪威遷徙至美國有密切的關係。之後,Elias的家屬造訪柏根並參觀了他們的先人曾經接受治療、死亡、埋葬的地方.                                                                                                                                                                                          







-          柏根痲瘋病博物館

-          挪威漢生病史的時間軸

-          還原Elias Eliassen 的生命經驗:資源與地方

-          造訪地方:漢生病相關機構保存的重要性

-          痲瘋病的影響力:人、地方與社會

-          館長的觀點


Preserving the history of leprosy and restoring family ties. Experiences from The Leprosy Museum in Norway. (25 min)


Some years ago, American descendants of the Norwegian Elias Eliassen contacted The Leprosy Museum. Eliassen had been hospitalised at a leprosy institution in Bergen in the 19th century, and now the family sought more information about what they saw as an unknown chapter in their family history. The hospital records did not give much information, but using different archival sources it was possible for the museum to reconstruct a biography, which also turned out to be a story about strong family ties. The incidents related to Elias’ illness also shed light upon other events in the family, and could be closely linked to the family’s emigration from Norway to the US. Later, the family visited Bergen and saw the places where their forefather had been hospitalised and died, and the place where he had been buried.


Archives, artefacts, places and buildings are all important for the understanding of the history of leprosy. For many people who discover that their ancestors or other relatives have been affected by the disease, the museum and the archives can play an important role. Not only do people find the reconstructing of silenced lives meaningful and interesting, but some also discover that the silencing as such has caused difficulties within families throughout several generations. A visit to a leprosy museum, where parts of the history are preserved and present, might be a fruitful and important step when trying to restore old family ties.



-          The leprosy museum in Bergen

-          A timeline of the history of leprosy in Norway

-          Reconstructing the life of Elias Eliassen: sources and sites

-          Visiting a site: the importance of preserving leprosy institutions

-          Being affected by leprosy: Persons, places and societies

-          The curator’s perspective.


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