
The Right to Be Part of One’s Own History成為自己歷史一部分的權利

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Valerie Monson  講綱  The Right to Be Part of One’s Own History

成為自己歷史一部分的權利   , Ka ‘Ohana O Kalaupapa



許多年以來,大部分Kalaupapa的歷史是由那些從未居住過那裏或不認識Kalaupapa人的人傳述著。這樣所造成的結果是歷史大部分都被不正確的傳述,將被送去Kalaupapa 的人(推測約8000)不同的聲音置之不理。






這些早年被送去Kalaupapa的實際體驗仍在持續匯整中,雖然訪談尚未結束。感謝在夏威夷州檔案處完善的保存系統,許多Kalaupapa人們的信件,申請書及照片仍可獲得。日記及筆記幫助提供了Kalaupapa早期生活的浮光掠影。這些資訊也許只是很微細的片段,但對於試圖了解他們在Kalaupapa的家族的後代來說,提供了很多資訊。因為由聖方濟修女會所寫的雜誌文章已近80年,Winnie Harada了解到她祖母贏得了一個情人節獎項。Anne Apo 則發現在一世紀以前,她的曾祖母曾寫信尋求Kalaupapa人可以戴的帽子以表達他們對夏威夷獨立的支持。由於找到一禎他曾祖母的照片,Chris Mahelona得以在其他Kalaupapa的照片裡找到他曾祖母。






Ka Ohana O Kalaupapa 所提出來的Kalaupapa紀念碑,將由紀得他們名字的方式使他們的記憶活在人們心中。在Kalaupapa有超過6000(800075%)死亡,躺在未標伎的墳墓裡。Kalaupapa紀念碑將不僅作為一個對Kalaupapa及其家族的永久奉獻,同時也將成為那些沒有墓碑的人一種形式的墓碑,並提供其家族一個可以療傷及撫慰的地方。為更進一步幫助了後代了解更多有關Kalaupap的根源,Ka Ohana開始了現在留存文獻的彙整,在這樣的彙整下,我們將會包括信件的註解或相片的人物註記。這將會使家族成員更容易找到幫助他們了解他們祖先的相關文獻。






The Right to Be Part of One’s Own History

Valerie Monson, Ka ‘Ohana O Kalaupapa


For too many years, the history of Kalaupapa has mostly been told by those who never lived there and who didn’t know the people of Kalaupapa. As a result, the history has mostly been told in the wrong way, leaving out the very voices of the estimated 8,000 people who have been sent to Kalaupapa.



It has not been until the last 30 years that a concerted effort has been made by a few individuals to encourage the people of Kalaupapa to record their oral histories on videotape, write their autobiographies or do interviews with writers who accurately tell the stories of their lives. By doing this, the people of Kalaupapa themselves will be able to tell their own stories 100 years from now to future generations.



First-hand accounts of those people who were sent to Kalaupapa in the early years can still be compiled even if interviews were not done. Thanks to a wonderful preservation system in place at the Hawaii State Archives, many letters, petitions and photographs of the people of Kalaupapa are still available. Diaries and journals have helped to provide other snapshots of early life at Kalaupapa. These bits of information might seem like tiny snippets, but to descendents trying to learn about their family at Kalaupapa, they speak volumes. Because of a magzine article penned by the Sisters of St. Francis nearly 80 years ago, Winnie Harada learned that her grandmother won a prize at a Valentine’s Day party. Anne Apo discovered that, more than a century ago, her great-grandfather had written a letter in search of caps that the people of Kalaupapa could wear to show their support for Hawaiian independence. By finding just one photograph of  his great-grandfather, Chris Mahelona has been able to find his great-grandfather in other group photographs of Kalaupapa residents.



Don’t let it be said that just because people were not interviewed or never wrote their memoirs, that they can’t be part of this history. We continue to learn things about the early residents of Kalaupapa who died many, many years ago.



The Kalaupapa Monument proposed by Ka ‘Ohana O Kalaupapa will also keep the memories of people alive by remembering their names. At Kalaupapa, more than 75 percent of the 8,000 people who died there lie in unmarked graves. The Kalaupapa Monument will not only serve as permanent tribute to the people of Kalaupapa and their families, but it will also become a type of tombstone for those who no longer have one and provide family members with a place for healing and closure. To further help descendents learn more about their Kalaupapa roots, Ka ‘Ohana has started to compile a living document where we will include notations of letters or photographs next to an individual’s name. This will make it easier for family members to find these documents to help them better know their ancestors.



Everyone should be urged to record their own story. We can all record our own stories --  or tell our stories to a family member or trusted friend. This way, the story will come out the way you want it to be told. For those family members whose ancestors have died without leaving an interview, you can still find information. You  might have to work hard, but it will be worth the reward of seeing your ancestor becoming a part of their own history.



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