Pamela Parlapiano a Personal Narrative
我的故事—潘美拉 (Pamela Parlapiano)
在南布隆克斯區(South Bronx),這個紐約市中貧窮的移民區,身為一名在這裡長大的女人,我瞭解這些貧窮或困境並不只是帶來憂傷,其實,每個人都擁有這樣的特性。
之後,我從事報章雜誌的攝影工作,並試著在工作中創造新意。有一次,我被派到在聖約翰醫院(St. Johns Hospital),拍攝在印度染上漢生病的患者。
我認識伯納(Bernard Punikai),那時他是夏威夷的民眾領袖、也是個鬥士。他曾寫到,「我們,我們的人格,拒絕被他人以一個疾病之名定義」。
我也遇過伊索比亞的安達吉(Mr. Andarge)先生,他則說︰「麻瘋病是所有東西的附屬品。無論身為一個男人、一名教師、或是人類,痲瘋病都跟隨著我。」
我還見過山姆跟泰瑞莎(Sam and Theresa Wilson),他們的的愛情故事曾被改編成美妙的電影作品。
曾經,我與森本先生(Mr. Morimoto)一同觀看、攝影,我們開懷大笑,使我好奇他那隨時隨地都展現出的親切感是從何而來。
我也聽過IDEA的董事—齊爾達(Zilda Borges)的讚美,他能將感覺化為最優美的文字。
Pamela Parlapiano a Personal Narrative
I first started photographing when I moved from New York to Washington D.C. Life in my new neighborhood was lived outside on the streets and I got to meet many wonderful people. As I made appointments to photograph the people I met, I stepped into homes with torn shades and writings on the wall and no heat. But the overall message to the camera was we have a dream for our children.
Many photographers focus on the devastation of people’s plights and challenges. They photograph what people don’t have.
I knew then that I wanted to confirm in my photography what I already knew that many people living with poverty or other challenges can and still do emerge with Dignity, Courage, Kindness and Laughter.
As a woman who grew up in the South Bronx, a poor immigrant neighborhood in New York City, I learned that these traits are available to everyone and poverty or challenges do not always produce sadness.
I went on to have a career photographing people for magazines, newspapers always trying to use my work to make a difference. On one assignment I was sent to St. Johns Hospital for people who had been affected by Hansen’s disease in India.
For years the images of people who were affected by Hansen’s disease focused on their illness and created very sad imagery. Those images used to describe people and raise money only added to the stigma surrounding the illness.
Nothing could be further from the truth for me and my cameras experience at St. Johns.
As a founding member of IDEA since 1994, I have now had the opportunity to meet and photograph people who have been affected by Hansen’s disease in more than thirty countries and I have met and photographed the most fascinating people.
I have met Bernard Punikai who became a leader and fighter for all people in Hawaii. His words said it well "We refuse to let others define ourselves, our humanity, by a disease."
I met Mr. Andarge from Ethiopia who said “Leprosy must be second to everything. Second to me being a man, a teacher a human being”
I met Sam and Theresa Wilson whose love story is the stuff that great movies are made of.
I have laughed so hard with Mr. Morimoto watching and photographing with wonder at his friendliness wherever we go
I have met women in empowerment workshops whose tears are always followed by laughter and whose thoughts always include others
I have listened in admiration to Zilda Borges one of IDEA’s presidents to put the most beautiful words to feelings.
And I have met the people of Lo Sheng, Taiwan who are so generous in their hospitality, who have created a welcoming beautiful place to live yet all of you are such an example of how one fights for their human rights.
I am so excited to introduce the people of IDEA in this manual and photo exhibition.
People will reveal to you who they are inside if they feel that is what you are truly interested in. For me no photograph can be stronger than that. No connection between people can be stronger than that.
Pamela Parlapiano is a founding member of IDEA and, in the years since IDEA's establishment in 1994, she has traveled to many different countries to photograph individuals whose lives have been personally affected by leprosy, also known as Hansen's Disease. These countries include Brazil, China, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Japan, Nepal, Nigeria. Philippines, South Korea, South Africa and Spain.
One of IDEA's primary goals is to transform the social image of individuals who have had leprosy. Ms. Parlapiano's photographs are an integral part of this effort and IDEA's Global Campaign to Eliminate the Stigma Associated With Leprosy.
When describing Ms. Parlapiano's work, we always talk about her ability to use photography as an empowerment tool. This is because her photographs always challenge traditional stereotypes by looking to the heart of each individual. When one looks at her photographs, be they of someone who has had leprosy or someone living on the edges of society due to poverty, one sees only ability and strength, never disability or weakness.
Ms. Parlapiano's photographs are the foundation for IDEA's Quest for Dignity Exhibit, which was officially launched at the United Nations by Secretary-General Kofi Annan in October, 1997. This exhibit, which includes quotations from individuals who have had leprosy from around the world, has now been translated into several languages, including
Pamela Parlapiano is a founding member of IDEA and, in the years since IDEA's establishment in 1994, she has traveled to many different countries to photograph individuals whose lives have been personally affected by leprosy, also known as Hansen's Disease. These countries include Brazil, China, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Japan, Nepal, Nigeria. Philippines, South Korea, South Africa and Spain.
One of IDEA's primary goals is to transform the social image of individuals who have had leprosy. Ms. Parlapiano's photographs are an integral part of this effort and IDEA's Global Campaign to Eliminate the Stigma Associated With Leprosy.
When describing Ms. Parlapiano's work, we always talk about her ability to use photography as an empowerment tool. This is because her photographs always challenge traditional stereotypes by looking to the heart of each individual. When one looks at her photographs, be they of someone who has had leprosy or someone living on the edges of society due to poverty, one sees only ability and strength, never disability or weakness. One never feels pity when looking at the individuals in Ms. Parlapiano's photographs. On the contrary, one always feels respect for the person in the photograph because Ms. Parlapiano understands how to capture the essence of each individual, rather than allowing their circumstances to define them'.""
Bernard K. Punikai'a. IDEA's President for International Advocacy, who was diagnosed with leprosy at the age of 6, always states that: . Ms. Parlapiano lets people define themselves and assert their own identities rather than take photographs that reflect society's preconceived images of who they should be.
Ms. Parlapiano's photographs are the foundation for IDEA's Quest for Dignity Exhibit, which was officially launched at the United Nations by Secretary-General Kofi Annan in October, 1997. This exhibit, which includes quotations from individuals who have had leprosy from around the world, has now been translated into several languages, including
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