

Page history last edited by happylosheng@gmail.com 15 years, 12 months ago

纪錄片名:永遠的希望之谷(The Everlasting Valley of Hope)






Leprosy was mistaken as a highly contagious disease in the 1920's. In order to control the epidemic, the British Malaya Government established Sungai Buloh Leprosy Settlement for the segregation and treatment of those with the disease. The settlement was a self-supporting community, and it soon became "home" for the patients. They were promised free therapy for life, and the then government consented to let them reside permanently in the settlement. However, in late 2007, development encroached upon the settlement, and disturbed the tranquil lives of the elderly residents there. The stories of the residents are recorded in this documentary, revealing how their lives and the fate of the settlement are intertwoven… 




李初成,1940年生,18嵗因患上漢生病而被送往馬來西亞雪蘭莪州雙溪毛糯麻風療養院治療(Sungai Buloh Leprosy Settlement )。患病後,李初成經歷了當時馬來(西)亞社會的排擠、歧視,治愈后也因害怕"拖累"家人遭受歧視而選擇留住毛糯院。2007年,毛糯院因馬來西亞國陣政府(National Front Government)缺乏民主與透明的決策,於當年9月開始被無理拆除,李初成是院民中最勇於發聲,捍衛麻瘋病患家園的一位。無奈馬來西亞當政者粗暴無理,不願聽取院民心聲,更不顧院民年老不適宜搬遷,連續多次拆除不同院區,一而再再而三,無理逼迫年邁院民搬遷,踐踏院民尊嚴與權益...李初成將與你分享他的故事與歷史見證。


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